Categories August 2007

Busy Sunday

We had a very busy Sunday. This morning I took the girls to a dinosaur puppet show, then to the carousel, then to the playground, and back to the carousel. Whew! Luckily this time the girls were content to be…

Categories August 2007

Haircuts and Horses

What a jam-packed Saturday! M woke up very early today, which allowed us to get an early appointment at the salon to get M & A’s hair cut. (BTW, I think that may be our last visit to that salon…

Categories August 2007

Bedtime Friends

Every night before bed we get into Mommy and Daddy’s bed to read books. Tonight, the girls brought four very large bears with them into our bed. A brought 2 bears, whom she identified as twin sisters named Sarah and…

Categories August 2007

Virtual Orchestra

After I got home from work tonight, the girls settled into activites that were quite characteristic of them. M started a complicated art project that involved glitter glue, pom poms, and foam stickers. She meticulously placed the foam stickers and…

Categories August 2007

Wednesday at Home

I stayed home with the girls today so that I (our nanny) could take move her son back to college. We had a very busy day. First we went to Trader Joe’s. The girls got 4 balloons – A requested…

Categories August 2007

End of Camp

The girls’ 8 weeks (extended from 4) at camp are done. Boo hoo! We got a letter from the camp listing what each camper said when asked the question, "What was the best part of camp?" A said: "Purple cars."…

Categories August 2007

Back from SF

We just spent two days in SF, without M & A.  M & A stayed home with I, and from the sounds of it, had a great time. Every time we called to check in, we heard lots of laughter…

Categories August 2007

Aunt Darrah

Editor’s note: This is the first in a series of occasional posts about members of M & A’s family. Today’s post focuses on Aunt Darrah. M & A, tell me something about Aunt Darrah. A: She wears a ponytail. M:…

Old Videos

Just came across these three clips of M & A from January 2005, when they were about 8 months old. Hard to believe these are the same two girls that are now 3 years old!!! [Sorry that you have to…