Categories July 2007


Tonight, after I got home from work, the girls dressed up in tutus and wands and high-heeled shoes. They paraded around the downstairs, showing off their outfits, until A started saying to me, "What’s that noise? What’s that noise?" I…

Categories July 2007

Visit to the Vet

Earlier today we took Allie (a.k.a the small red dog) to the vet to get some blood drawn. On the way there, I told M & A that we were going to see the special doctor for animals, like cats…

Categories July 2007

Let Them Eat Cake

Today is Daddy’s birthday. (Happy Birthday Daddy!) Mommy celebrated by heading out of town to a women blogger conference in Chicago. (Sorry Daddy!). So last night M & A and I made a cake for Daddy, which they can eat…

Categories July 2007

New Song

I am blogging while the girls are in the bath. (Don’t worry, I am working wireless in their bathroom). The ultimate in multitasking. The girls learned a new song at camp. I have asked them to tell me the words:…

Categories July 2007

Today’s Camp Notes

Here are the notes from camp today: "A enjoys a lot dressing up in the class. She had a blast singing!" [Not surprising. Right now, as I type, she is wearing a tutu over her dress, high heels, a wand…

Categories July 2007

Mommy on a Trip

I just got back from an overnight trip to Detroit and Boston. A few funny things in connection with the trip: 1. I told the girls on Tuesday that I would be gone on Wednesday night and that I was…