Pajama Day!

Today was Pajama Day at M & A’s school. They wore their pajamas to school (in fact, they wore them all day – they still had them on when I got home from work). Once at school, they had a feast that consisted of each kid’s favorite breakfast food. Here’s what was on the menu:

  • blueberry muffins
  • cinnamon muffins
  • cereal (both the healthy Shredded Spoonfuls that we brought (A’s choice) and Trix (yuck!))
  • pancakes
  • breakfast bars
  • noodles with butter and garlic (breakfast?)
  • chocolate cake
  • lemonade

M asked to bring water.

This morning, M asked me if I was sad because I wished that I could have Pajama Day too.

Here are some photos:

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1 comment

Anonymous says:

M and A are so cute in their PJs. They look beautiful and happy. Thanks for the cute photos.

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