Party Weekend

I've been scarce on here because we had a big party here at the house last night for my 40th birthday. It was a lot of fun. We had about 60 people, so it was kind of crowded at times. But not too crowded, and lots of lots of food. The girls were so excited for the party. M wanted to stay downstairs the whole night. She took some pictures, and she wanted to talk to everyone. At one point she asked me to show her soccer trophy around and tell "some of the people" that it was hers. SO CUTE. Around 10, I asked Daddy to take the girls upstairs, because I felt like I wasn't able to talk to my friends! They were very compliant. Imogene was upstairs in the attic and put them to sleep upstairs. We moved them to their beds around 3 in the morning when we were done cleaning up. (I am tired today!)

People who were here: Uncle Jonathan (from NJ!), Grandma Sandy/Buppie, Nana and Grampy, and lots and lots of friends (including my work friends who the girls know well – Christina, Lisa and Gloria). I am very lucky. Thank you to Daddy for giving me such a nice party!!!

They had Sunday School today, and then we went to a Hanukah party tonight. No school tomorrow because of parent- teacher conferences.

1 comment

a says:

Mommy, Congratulations and best wishes on your 40th birthday. It’s a wonderful age, and you have a whole lifetime left to enjoy –everything. I’m sure M and A had a wonderful time and will remember it.
Aunt Ann

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