Party Weekend!

Before I get to the party yesterday, here's a quick wrapup of today. Daddy had to work all day so we had a girls' adventure. First to swimming lessons, then to lunch, then for ice cream in Bethesda. Their swimming skills are coming along. Buppie then took the girls for two hours in the late afternoon so I could do some OBX packing prep. It was a really fun day. Here is a funny exchange we had:

M: "Mommy, I love that outfit. Can I wear it when I am your age?"

Me: "Yes, of course, M."

A: "I wish I was your age."

Me: "Why? It's so fun being your age! Why do you want to be my age?"

M: "Yeah, you don't want to be Mommy's age. When you get to be old, like Mommy, you really can't do a lot of things anymore."

Another funny thing I have been meaning to mention on here… M loves to yell "HI!!!" really loud to any of our neighbors that we see. She goes on our front porch and yells and yells "HI!!" until they acknowledge her. It's very cute.

Now to yesterday's party. We had a lovely party for Buppie's birthday. It was a lot of fun, and best of all, I think Buppie really enjoyed it.  The cousins all had a blast being together. Sarah and Rachel each gave toasts, and A got up and whispered a toast into Rachel's ear, which Rachel then repeated to the crowd. The girls also helped Buppie blow out the candles. All in all, we had a really fun day. Here are a bunch of photos:

Party1 Party2 Party3 Party4 Party5 Party7 Party8 Party9 Party10 Party12 Party11 Party13 Party14 Party15 Party16 Party17 Party18 Party19

More photos will go up after I go through Liz and Tequila's photos!

1 comment

a says:

This is a most wonderful blog. The photos are exceptionally lovely, and everyone looks beautiful. Buppie’s birthday party was was apparently a great success. She looks wonderful and no where near her age of 70. This is a special “keepsake” for me. Thank you.
Aunt Ann

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