Passover I and II

It is 11:30 on Sunday night… Passover weekend.

We had the first seder last night with Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron and Aunt Darrah and Uncle Jason, as well as Frank/Peyton/Addie/Sam and Nancy. M&A did a wonderful job of doing the name cards for the table – they wrote out all the names and put a sticker on each card. A’s cards also had an exclamation point at the end of every name. Frank! Ron! Maddie!

Seder was a lot of fun. The girls did pretty well, although there were some skirmishes where M complained that A and Adddie were excluding her. We split the afikomen into three pieces and all three of the girls got to find one piece of it.

We also had a very fun weekend with Ron and Dina and Darrah and Jason. They all went to gymnastics yesterday and to ballet this morning, which was a treat for the girls.

Tonight we went to seder at Grampy and Nana’s house. It was a long seder but the girls did very well. Some fidgeting in the middle but they were very patient. A had a big piece of chocolate cake, which she thoroughly enjoyed.

Daddy and I are very tired.

1 comment

Dina says:

Although our visit was way too brief, we had a really wonderful weekend with all of you. Celebrating Passover Seder with the family was great. The girls are amazing!!. And, we enjoyed seeing them have fun at gymnastics and ballet classes. We’re looking forward to the next milestone celebration: fourth birthday(s)!

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