Passover II

Checking in from beautiful Shohola. We had an easy trip up here today – got in around 5PM. The girls listened to audiobooks on the way up, which they are really enjoying. We finished our book club book on Monday and today they listened to two other books on CD. The drive is pretty and the traffic was light.

Tonight we went to a seder in a restaurant, with about 100 people from Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron's new synagogue up here. It was very pleasant and the food was great. The girls had fun entertaining Sydney.

One funny thing: after we sang "Dayenu", A kept saying, "Poor Enu! Why does he have to die? Why did someone put a curse on him?"

Last night's seder at Grandma Sandy's was also fun. The girls read and sang the four questions and did a great job. The food was wonderful and we had a good time meeting some new people. Also a late night – didn't get home until after 11.

Looking forward to a relaxing day tomorrow, maybe with a nature hike (that I will likely skip) and some games and billiards (M has already asked me to play with her). I am hoping to be horizontal for a good bit fo the day to see if these contractions will subside a little.

4 more days til Alice!

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