Passover Wrapup

I have not posted for a few days, due to late seders and the return of Auction Database Hell.

We had two lovely seders. The first was at Grampy and Nana's, with their old crew. And by "old", I mean "longtime," not "aged". It was lovely. The girls enjoyed being the only people under 17, and Emily enjoyed not having to do the four questions herself. (Daddy and I did them). M&A found the afikomen, which had been split into two and placed in afikomen holders they made at school. Grampy was tricky but the girls still found the prize. Reward: two shiny gold dollar coins. Thanks to Grampy and Nana for a really nice seder!

The second seder was at home last night. Grandma Dina did the cooking and it was delicious. Buppie came too and brought her wine cake and vegetables. We did the whole seder, though it didn't take too long. The girls also found the afikomen last night, though there was a tussle because M found hers and then basically found A's too, so A was unhappy. Grandpa Ron re-hid A's afikomen and she found it later, to her great delight. Reward: two Mexican dolls and two Passover books with stickers where you can set your own seder table.

The girls are enjoying their spring break, and loving seeing all their grandparents in two days.

I conclude with a funny comment this morning from M: "I think I know why I am not nice to A sometimes. I think it's because I am a little bigger than she is."

Wishing everyone a wonderful Passover/Easter!

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