Peep Diorama and Thunderclaps

Both girls have standardized testing today. So we are working on getting them to bed ON TIME. LAst night they were in bed at 9:05. That's still kind of late, but better than other days.

This morning, there was a deafening crack of thunder at 6:35 AM. As soon as the clap came through, poor Lucky totally freaked out and started to howl. He ran out of his crate in our room immediately downstairs to his downstairs crate. Meanwhile, Daddy and A and I, who were all in our bed, completely freaked out, thinking that a tree had fallen on our house. It was a VERY rude awakening! And M slept through the whole thing in the room next door. Lucky calmed down pretty quickly, but it was VERY dramatic! The girls wanted to know whether they would still have school today; they did. We are all still feeling shortchanged because of no snow days!

M has to do a shoebox diorama made out of peeps commemorating a famous woman in history. She has chosen Ruby Bridges, much to A's chagrin. A was Ruby Bridges in the heroes wax museum and she doesn't want the personality to be appropriated by someone else. I see both sides of this argument. I am siding with M mostly because I think Ruby Bridges' walk into school will be easier to accomplish with peeps than any other she has come up with. Because let's face it, who actually does these projects? The kids? Ha.

Which reminds me that I didn't buy peeps today. Oops.

Ok, more pics from NY:






I am having issues uploading vertical photos. Very annoying.


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