People in “Sunday School”

I missed a few posts the last few days, because we had a very busy weekend and a lot going on.

Here's what you missed… on GLEE.

-Ballet yesterday. Their teacher, Miss Lilla, is very unhappy because the girls are missing ballet next week because of their birthday. The reason she's upset is, it's the last class before the final rehearsal before the recital on the 16th. She is concerned that they will not have enough opportunity to learn the routine. Our compromise is that the girls will go to a make-up ballet class on the Wednesday the week before the performance, with a group of other kids. An aside - she told me that she had put the girls in the front row, because they are smart and good at following directions. (I commended the girls on that, and A said, "The kids who are in the back row, are they.. kind of… cuckoo?")

-Haircuts yesterday. Much fussing. A thought her bangs were too short.

-A VERY fun dinner last night at the Hoffmans'. There were 4 couples and lots of kids there, and the kids all played together so well, despite a big age range. So the kids ate outside on the patio and ran around as it got dark outside, and the adults enjoyed such a great, civilized dinner inside. It was so nice. It was a late night, but relaxing. I asked Matt if we could do it every Saturday night. A of course was talking about one of the boys when we got home – how much she liked him, how nice he was to her.

-Potluck brunch this morning at our house with the whole Sunday School class and parents. We had about 15 kids here running around. And you know what? It was fine! They had fun, they didn't break anything, there was tons of food, and it was over in an hour and a half. Not bad at all. We had the house cleaned up by 11:30. One of the favorite activities for the kids was to go outside in the back, come around to the front of the house, and ring the doorbell. Vaguely annoying but pretty cute. Here is a sign M made for the door – SO CUTE.


-Today, the girls went swimming with Daddy at the Wilson Pool. Someone pooped in the pool within 15 minutes of their arrival, so they went into the adult pool instead, which the girls apparently did fine with.

Jam-packed weekend! I also went back to Montgomery Mall this afternoon to pick up a bunch of candy for the cupcake cake for this weekend, and got a lovely facial using a gift certificate Daddy gave me for Hanukah.

Out of the blue, A asked me today if we were going to get a "white-trash pool" for the backyard, referring to an unkind way I had described above-ground pools before. Not so nice of me.

Birthday week is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment

a says:

I enjoyed reading about the fun dinner at the HOffmans and your potluck brunch. It’s so nice when things work out and everyone is happy. How about some photos of the girls and their new haircuts?
I’m sure their recital will be fabulous. I wish M and A a wonderful and special birthday on May 7th. Please give them my love and best wishes.
Aunt Ann

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