Performance #2

Tonight was performance #2. The girls and I took the metro down to the theater with their fellow soldier Helena and her mom Caroline. It was fun – here they are:



We saw Jared Nelson coming off the metro, which was a thrill for all of us. If only Grandma Sandy had been with us!

M's baseball coach Ron came with his family.


And we saw the girls' friend Bronwen, who is a party girl in another cast. Doesn't she look like M?



We also finally celebrated the last night of Hanukah!

Other updates from today:

  • Emily babysat for N for the second night in a row – thanks, Em!
  • A did a great job in her Olmec vs. Mayan debate at school today. We see a brilliant courtroom career in her future.
  • M met with her pre-K buddy, Maddie.

Finally, a makeup photo (plus a few skirts turned into a dress).




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