
Some interesting perspectives on size and weight this week in our house.

First, I took Lucky to the vet this AM for a checkup. He's doing fine – no issues. About a month and a half ago, Lucky went for a stay with Laurie, his foster mom. She noticed that he had put on some weight. Looking at him with fresh eyes, I had to agree – he was very thick around the middle. She weighed him at her house – 19 pounds. (He was about 17 pounds when I got him.) I adjusted his diet, eliminating wet food and reducing the amount of dry food in his bowl. He slimmed down almost immediately. When I took him in today, he weighed 17.5 on the Friendship scale, which is even less than when he was evaluated at the SC shelter last summer before he was transported to DC.

Even though I won't get N's official weight until his 4 month checkup in two weeks, I think it is safe to say that N now weighs more than Lucky.

Speaking of N, he is officially wearing 6-9 month clothes at this point, despite being 3 months old. He's huge! But so cute. And still having almost exclusively breastmilk, though he gets a formula bottle or two a day. I am pumping at work and trying to keep up with his appetite.

Today Imogene and I were looking at the tomatoes in the garden, when I looked under what I thought was a pumpkin vine and discovered a HUGE zucchini! I had planted zucchini seeds in May and figured that they weren't blooming. I was wrong. Here is a picture of the huge zucchini. For perspective, I put it next to N, who is huge himself.


I am going to make a tomato and zucchini tart with it, using up the tomatoes in the house, for Daddy's pre-Yom Kippur dinner tonight. I am not fasting due to breastfeeding.

Daddy has been in NY for the last two nights – he is coming home today. Yay!

Meanwhile all is well with the girls. Last night we did more work on the book reports. Ballet tonight and then they have no school tomorrow because of YK.


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