Photo Gallery

Here are a bunch of photos from the last few weeks:

1. Photos from the medal ceremony at gymnastics yesterday, with Aidan, Laurie, Caleb, Aidan, Ken, Olivia, Kim and me.

2. Two pictures that A did, one of an airplane and one of her and Allie "when I grow up".

3. The Warhol class picture that we won at the auction last night.

4. A bunch of photos from Florida.

5. Two pictures of A reading at the library.

[I can’t seem to format this blog to break the photos up with text.]

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Anonymous says:

Thank you for the wonderful photos of your beautiful girls and their lovely mother and handsome father. The photos of M and A with the others are so cute. And A’s drawings are quite remarkable.

Christina says:

Can’t believe how big they are getting!!! As soon as Mikey and I get settled we definitely need to see them. 🙂

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