
The rain has stopped and it was a beautiful sunny day today. The girls had a playdate this morning at Olivia’s and went to ballet in the afternoon. Sadly, A didn’t want to participate. Not sure what is going on with that, but I don’t want to make a big deal out of it. Hopefully it will pass because I know she loves ballet more than anything else.

Here are two photos of this morning’s playdate, courtesy of Kim.

Img_0225 Img_0229

And here are some photos of the girls from last weekend, courtesy of Christina. The first is of Milkey with the girls and the second is of M playing ladderball. If you don’t know what ladderball is, you’re not from Missouri. (Not the St. Louis part of Missouri).

Ladderball Mikey_girls

1 comment

Anonymous says:

The photos are wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing them. M and A are growing up so fast. They are adorable.

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