Pics and Goings On

On Friday night, Hobart managed to get to his huge container of dog food in the pantry (I think that the door was left open) as well as the small container of food that we keep on top of the big one. He got the small one open and chewed on the big one. This is what Dad and N came home to after pickleball:




I threw out the small container – too many chew marks – and got a new one. But the old one said LUCKY and HOBART on it, and when I only labeled the new one as HOBART, N decided he wanted to add Lucky's name.


Meanwhile he has only one more day of school before Thanksgiving. M returns tomorrow, A comes on Wednesday AM, and Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron arrive on Tuesday or Wednesday! So excited to have everyone in the house.

N and I volunteered at GDS yesterday to pack food bags for needy families for Thanksgiving. Here are some of the kids and the bags:


Dad and N played a lot of pickleball and ping pong this weekend too.

M saw Aidan M at Yale for the Harvard Yale game:


Here is A on the set of a student film:



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