Pictures from Disneyland

As expected, girls were very tired and cranky last night – mostly A – and not really in the mood to do their homework. Made for a somewhat challenging evening and me asleep on the couch by 9:20. Thankfully I woke up in time to catch the returns from the riveting Republican Iowa Caucuseseseseses.

Freezing here today. But thoughts turn to summer, as I spent 35 minutes online today trying to register the girls for Holton Arms camp this summer. I logged on the SECOND registration was open and was still #178 in line. Sigh – welcome to DC. Hopefully they will get in! (If not, a friend at work, who is both a Holton and Holton camp alum, has offered to write a letter on their behalf. Seriously. For summer camp. Am I in Manhattan?!)

The good news is that thanks to Daddy, who was slightly more awake than I last night, we are now on p. 68 of the book club book, with only 60 pages to finish before we meet on Sunday. I think we can I think we can I think we can.

On to the photos! Here are pictures from Day 2 of San Diego – Disneyland. You will see: teacup ride, It's A Small World After All (now try getting THAT song out of your head for the rest of the day! You're welcome.), the Tarzan Jungle Experience, the Jungle Boat Ride, me looking very large, dusk, and then evening at the Magic Kingdom. I will admit that the castle looked really pretty all lit up like that. Alas, my artsy reflection shots didn't turn out too well.

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