Piggy and Bunny

Minor (well, actually major) disaster yesterday. We went out to Rockville to check out big girl beds. The store is about 30 minutes away. When we returned home, we realized that A had left Piggy and Bunny there. She was inconsolable. Daddy drove back out there but the store had long since closed and no one was there. And they are closed today. So Daddy is going to go out first thing tomorrow AM when they open (actually, not until 10:30) to see if Piggy and Bunny are there. I am optimistic – we were there as the store was closing and I am sure this has happened before. (It’s a baby superstore). Poor A. I had a spare Bunny in the house, which looks a lot like Bunny looked when it was new, and we have been calling it Cousin Bunny. It has provided A with some consolation, thankfully, but she’s clearly very preoccupied about whether she will get Piggy and Bunny back, as she asks often when Daddy is going to the bed store, if she can come, etc. It’s very sad. We’ve learned our lesson – Piggy and Bunny and Baby do not leave the house anymore.

Otherwise, weekend was good. Emily babysat yesterday. They all made peppermint bark, which we’ve been enjoying. Today we went to dance class, which Buppie came to as well, and then Trader Joe’s. After nap we went to the Bethesda pool and to dinner with Frank and Peyton and Addie and Sam. The girls are finally asleep.

Tomorrow at this time we will know the fate of Piggy and Bunny. Please please let them be safe.


Sarah says:

Our household feels your pain. As you know, Hannah was similarly attached to Dodi, and the few near disasters we had were momentous. Luckily, we have several extras, and she has never known the difference. And now, at the age of 5 1/2, Dodi is still a member of our family, but not nearly so prominent a one. In fact, in March we traveled to MA without her (we forgot to pack her), and while a few tears were shed at DCA when we discovered this, H. coped just fine. So I imagine that is in your future. But we hope, for A’s sake, the P+B are found safe and sound this AM. Good luck; we’ve been there!

Anonymous says:

I certainly hope you find Piggy and Bunny for A’s sake and that all’s well that end’s well. Cousin Alison, who just graduated from Stanford University, still loves her Snoopy which she has had since she was born. Give A and M my love. I hope all turns out well.

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