Piggy and Bunny Package

I know I shouldn’t say this, but I am happy that I have girls. After I got home tonight, A decided to take Piggy and Bunny and wrap them up inside a fleece blanket. She folded the blanket neatly and carefully and wrapped it up like a little package. Once M saw what A had done, she decided that she wanted it done with Baby, inside her fleece blanket. I asked her if she would let A show her how to do it, and she agreed. So A showed her, very carefully, how to do it. There was a time when A needed to start over, and the two discussed the whole process, politely and in a very civilized way. "Can you show me?", "Sure!" etc. etc. I looked at them and thought, there is no way two 3 year-old boys would do this. Of course, a few minutes later, A stomped off in an unexplainable, unprovoked huff and sulked for 5 minutes on the stairs, so girls have their moments too.

One funny thing from yesterday, M needed to use the bathroom, and A followed her in. M didn’t want her in there, so she yelled "GET OUT OF HERE!" at A.  I told her that that wasn’t a nice way to talk to A, who just wanted to be with her, so she then yelled "GET OUT OF HERE PLEASE!" in the exact same tone of voice.

Another cute mispronunciation: A says "glubs" instead of "gloves".

Books tonight: the truly awful combination of Brundibar and The Night Kitchen. What are the odds of M & A each picking a Maurice Sendak book? God, those are both terrible. I spent all of Brundibar trying to avoid reading the really sad parts (I think the book takes place in a pogrom – half of the characters are wearing yellow stars on their arms) and all of The Night Kitchen saying, "Yes, that’s his penis." Ugh.

Finally, here is a funny video from the house we stayed at in Florida a few weekends ago. I especially like the part about the rhinoceros poop – I can attest to the fact that it was disgusting.

1 comment

Anonymous says:

Watching M and A is so very entertaining. Thanks for sharing the blog and the video.

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