Pink Marble Race Deluxe

M&A are having a busy week! Tomorrow is a field trip to see a play. Thursday is Pajama Day at school. Thursday night they will come to a party with me for work (kids are invited). And then after Friday, they have two weeks off! Very exciting.

Tonight, the girls opened a theme present – two inflatable bed/sleeping bags and electric toothbrushes. They were very excited about both.

Also, tonight after work. we pt together the Pink Marble Race Deluxe. They loved it! The whole time, they kept saying "This is so cool, Mommy!" and "I love this!" and "This is the best present ever!" Here's what it looks like:



My brother and I definitely had something like this growing up. So fun!!!

a says:

M and A certainly have a busy schedule with lots to do before their holiday break. They have such wonderful gifts and seem to appreciate all of them. They are such wonderful girls and deserve it all. Please give them my love, and I send love to mommy and daddy.
Aunt Ann

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