
What a weekend! It was jam-packed with activities, most notably two more Alice performances. The girls did a wonderful job. We are so proud of them! On Saturday night, we were able to bring the girls into the theater and they saw Act 2 from some empty seats near where we were sitting. Very lucky. They loved seeing the show. On Sunday night, we sent the girls back in to see Act 2 with Nana and Grampy (we gave them our seats), and Daddy and I watched on a monitor from a comfy couch outside. I think we were all happy!

We enjoyed Alice more each time we saw it. I kept noticing things that I hadn't seen the first (or even second) time, which made it even more fun to watch.

A has drawn pictures on the iPad of all of the costumes in the show, and they are amazing. Even costumes she only saw once, she recreated from memory on the iPad. I am so impressed. Unfortunately, the program she used doesn't seem to have an option to upload or email images, which is a shame because they are so great.

In other news…

  • M had a baseball season kickoff event on Saturday. It was very cute, and the mayor came. Photos below. She is definitely on the older end for her team, which I think bothers her a bit.
  • M also had baseball practice on Saturday. Daddy took her so I didn't get to see her play. First game is this Friday.
  • Book club went well yesterday. The girls and I found the April book – Piper Reed, Navy Brat – on audio, and it has kicked off a whole new habit for us of listening to books in the car. Since then, we've listened to THREE Piper Reed books (we're in the middle of one now), an Amber Brown book, and a Katie Kazoo book. The girls call them Katie's Kazoo, Piper's Reed, and Amber's Brown (and sometimes we say Amber's Brown Poop which always makes them laugh).
  • At book club yesterday, the question came up: What do you do if you need to make new friends? How do you go about it? M said, "I'd bring A with me, because she is so good at making friends." So cute. And true!
  • The girls have today off, which is great timing. They are beat.
  • M brought home a long standardized practice math test, which she did very well on. We reviewed it on Saturday and corrected the ones she got wrong. A brought home the same test but the verbal version, and she got only one wrong. I think they are gearing up to take them in class over the next few weeks.

The next exciting thing on the horizon is the girls' birthday party, in less than 2 weeks!

Here are some pictures from the baseball kickoff party:






A found a pal to hang out with:


Here's the mayor throwing a pitch:




And here's a video of the parade (both girls found the whole thing embarrassing):


Here are some Alice pics – the girls with their friend Caroline (also a baby flamingo) and their friend Olivia, who came to see the show last night and is Caroline's classmate:




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