Post from SF

I am in SF for a work trip for 2 nights. I will be back on Thursday night. I left this morning before M&A were up, but I got to say goodbye to little N. Meanwhile Daddy is giving a very important speech tomorrow that I can't go to because I am here in SF. But hopefully he will be able to record it.

Yesterday, all three kids had dentist appointments. Everyone looks great! M has to work extra hard on her teeth because of her braces, but she's off to a good start. N's teeth look good, which is a bit surprising given the quality of his brushing. 🙂 No issues with A at all except a bone spur in her gum that we are hoping will come out on its own.

Here is photo of N getting his teeth cleaned. M is helping keep him calm.


N got his nails done, which Daddy wasn't so excited about.

This is the only week that the girls are home without camp this whole summer. They are doing lots of reading, practicing, and watching random videos.

That's the scoop! Can't wait to get back home.

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