P&P Field Trip

Today I had the pleasure of chaperoning N's class field trip to Politics & Prose. We heard Erica Perl read from her book, "Truth or Lies: Sharks". N said he thought it was boring, but then tonight he said he wanted to get the book, so I think he actually enjoyed it a lot. The 1st graders were a bit chatty by the end, but in general they were well-behaved. I got to talk to N and some other kids on the walk to and from the store, which was fun.

Some pics from the trip:








Tomorrow, we are sending cupcakes and juie and napkins to school for N's June birthday celebration. He's sharing it with a boy in his class whose birthday is at the end of July. N wants cupcakes (Daddy is making them now) and the other boy wants brownies so those kids are going to get a lot of sugar tomorrow.

And then N's birthday party is Saturday evening! Exciting!!

A is done with school! No more going to Sidwell this year. She is en vacances. M is SO CLOSE – one more test to go! She has Chinese tomorrow (which sadly means no trip to Six Flags, which she didn't want to go to anyway). AND THEN SHE IS DONE! She has been studying so hard, and deserves to be en vacances too.

So close!!



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