Pre-Baby To-Do List

This week I am ticking things off the to-do list before the Captain arrives. Today, I put together the co-sleeper and Imogene and I went through a number of baby things – play mat, swing, rocker, etc. – to get them cleaned up and ready for the baby to come. I can't do a lot because of all of the contractions and the need to be off my feet, but I have little spurts of activity here and there. I also re-hung the dog pictures in the girls room. There used to be nine of them, all hung in a nice square. Then we moved a bookshelf into the room, and had to take them down. So I hung them in a rectangle today and they look cute:


Just trying to get to all of these projects before I don't have time to do them!

I've been meaning to post about the different Google searches A does on my iPad. Some recent ones:

  • Lyrics "Grease" song
  • Behind the scenes of Alice in Wonderland
  • Kids drawings of Alice in Wonderland
  • Fun activities on a rainy day [this is my favorite!]
  • Noah Strand [her favorite dancer at TWSB – he was Fritz]
  • Noah Strand's phone number [!]
  • baby flamingoes in Alice in Wonderland the ballet
  • Annoying Orange
  • Baby throws up on dog [from America's Funniest Videos]
  • Cool Math Games [their new computer game obsession]

We gave the girls' teachers some end-of-year presents today – very cute beach bags – since I may not see them again before the year is up. Here is what M's teacher wrote me today:

Thank you so much for the bag! I love it and really needed a new beach bag. I find myself shlepping to the pool with an old Ikea bag. This is definitely an upgrade! I’ve enjoyed getting to know sweet Maddie this year. She’s smart, motivated, lovely, how lucky you are. I look forward to meeting “the little man” one of these days.

I couldn't agree more about adorable M.

I saw my OB this morning and one of the surgeons who may help with the c-section. No dilation yet, despite the constant contractions, so we're still looking at June 8, next Friday. The girls are very interested in all of the gear and equipment. Both girls tried to get in the co-sleeper.

I love being home when they get home from school!

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