Pre-Fourth of July Fireworks

Today was Hip Hop Haircuts. First was Hip Hop class – a typical Joy of Motion class that started late but ended on time. I think the girls liked it, though they were the only two to wear leotards. I think they will wear leggings and tank tops next week. Steps learned: grapevine and step step step pivot step pivot again.

Then haircuts. Trims, really. A was still unhappy and thinks her bangs are too short. Thankfully she was distracted from her unhappiness by some hair spray.

Then the girls were taken on a 2 hour trip to look at tiles and appliances, including two tile stores that were closed, but are way the hell out in Rockville. Fun!

But then they played Wii Sports Resort and went to a Fourth of July party at Lolly's house. They swam, ate DELICIOUS red white and blue cupcakes, and then went to watch fireworks across the street at the Chevy Chase Club. 

Another late night, and another busy day tomorrow.

1 comment

a says:

Hip Hop dance sounds like fun. Haircuts – not so much. But the girls always look so cute. They certainly had a full day — a party, good food, and fireworks. Mommy, you must be exhausted.
Aunt Ann

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