Today was a good day.
A played in 2 soccer games and won both of them. (And we beat NCS both times!) She played right D, right mid, and striker. Considering it was her first game in 3 months, she did a great job! Some good kicks and blocks.
M had ballet class and didn't complain much afterwards, so that's a win!
AND… we went to the Nats game and had the BEST seats EVER. Oh my god. Dan McGinn gave us 4 seats in the Presidents Club, 4th row. We were so close to the action. And we had free food. And it was incredible. AND WE WERE ON THE JUMBOTRON. And a few people emailed us to tell us they saw us on the Jumbotron. And the Nats won. All around a wonderful night.
We saw Desmond in the dugout after the game and yelled "Desi!" and he looked up and waved.
Did I mention the seats came with a parking pass?
What a great time. N sat on our laps and had a good time, even if he didn't focus at all on the game. He liked all the food. And he kept asking me if Danny Espinosa was playing. (He wasn't.)
We took a million photos because we wanted to preserve all the coolness, including some of us on TV from the recording of the game.