Presidents Day Weekend

Tonight is Sunday of Presidents Day weekend. Daddy left tonight for 4 nights in India and Pakistan, and we are all bummed that he is gone. M isn't feeling great – we hope that she will be better in the morning when she wakes up. Grandma Sandy is back from her trip to Portland and she came over tonight to hang out with us, which was fun. We watched the premiere of The Amazing Race and picked out our favorite teams.

Here are some things to remember from this weekend.

Some funny things A said: 1) Last night, Imogene was leaving after babysitting. I said to A, "Imogene is a great babysitter, isn't she?" and A said, "True dat." Where she got that expression from, I have no idea. That expression always reminds me of Lisa (hi Lisa!). 2) On Friday night, we were talking before bed, and the subject of having kids came up. M said that she doesn't want to have kids, and doesn't want to get married. I told her that she could marry someone who didn't want to have kids. A protested that she wants to have nieces and nephews. I told her that N may have babies, but she said she wants M to have "babies from scratch – Maddie scratch babies."

Meanwhile, Daddy and I have finally learned what the rest of the world has known for a while: that a soft, comfy rug can make a room much more cozy. We got the girls a new rug for their room, which was WAY overdue. Here is a before and after.



And M got us some Valentine's Day gifts. She is SUCH a sweetheart. She got A this necklace:


and me this necklace in white:


and she got Daddy a present that hasn't arrived yet. A has ordered a present for M but it hasn't arrived yet either.

Here is N's Sunday photo:




Finally, check out this cutie with me at Trader Joe's today. He loved it! So much to see.


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