
I have had quite a to-do list to get through this week. Little things I wanted to do around the house, projects, etc. For example, I am now caught up on putting pictures in albums through the end of May. The house is very neat. There is almost nothing out of place. The pantry is organized. (The basement, not so much…). We had some household things that needed to be fixed – the girls' light fixture needed to be reinstalled and the doorbell had to be replaced – and a handyman came yesterday to take care of those. All of the baby equipment is cleaned, charged or batteried. I dropped my glasses and got them fixed yesterday. Etc etc etc. I don't have much energy and can't stand up for long periods of time, but I've been fitting in things here and there.

When the girls come home from school, we've also been working on projects together. A and I have been making our way through the origami kit that they got for their birthday from Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Deb. We've made: puppet, cup (with M), puppy, frog, picture frame, and wallet (with M). We're now working on hydrangea. Here is the kit:


Meanwhile, M and I have been working on this cursed project: friendship bracelets using a friendship wheel. I bought this damned thing last December so I have only myself to blame. It is very complicated and even having read the instructions multiple times, I haven't gotten the hang of it. And by "M and I have been working on it" it means that I have been working on it while M plays math games on the computer. Grrr. I think I am giving up.


My discretionary time is too precious at this point – I think this one goes back on the shelf.

M hasn't been feeling well. I think she got sick the night of the sleepover when she didn't have much sleep. I took her for a strep test yesterday after school just to be safe, but it was negative. Just a cold. She's a lot more cranky than usual and sort of floppy – won't get off the floor or the couch, won't motivate much. Hopefully another early bedtime tonight!

I got a new printer that I can use for scanning. Hopefully I will have time to set it up before this weekend!

T minus 3 days.



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