Yesterday we took N and Carter to Butler’s, a fall tradition going way back. The boys were pretty much too old for it and said there was nothing to do, but they did do the corn maze and the petting zoo and the slides – old classics. The place has gotten enormous. We had lunch there and bought a bunch of pumpkins. We also visited A’s best friends, the goats. I have a pic with Dad in it but I think it’s on his phone. I’ll post it tomorrow – am on the plane to LA right now.

It is also World Series week and Halloween and I am visiting A in LA this week. Lots going on!
M did a gig at Charter Club at Princeton. She said it was a lot of fun, great crowd, great equipment. The theme was Mamma Mia so she played lots of fun dance/party music (not her usual house music). She also had a squig yesterday (Rocky squirrel gig) and Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron came down to see her. ALSO – on Friday here were her ROTC stats:
13:48 mile and a half
39 push-ups in one min
51 sit-ups
How amazing is that??

Very excited to see A later tonight. She and I are seeing Jimmy Kimmel tomorrow and will also have some dinners and go shopping.