Written on Saturday:
Our weekend schedules have been too busy for us to get out to Butler's for pumpkin picking. Today we conceded that it wasn't going to happen and got pumpkins on Mass Ave again. They have good pumpkins there and it was much faster than driving out to Germantown! We got 4 carving pumpkins, some new mums (purple) and some little baby pumpkins.
Today A is going to the Fall Festival at Lafayette with Natalie and Daddy will take M and N after he picks up M from ballet rehearsal. I am getting my hair done for a black tie event tonight with Daddy – the White House Fellows gala. We saw some of the fellows last night too, which was fun. It has been a long time!
Written on Sunday:
We had a busy day today. The girls went off to Sunday School at 11, and then Daddy and Grandma took N to the Kennedy Center for an instrument petting zoo. Grandma was going to take him alone, but he was apprehensive about the noise and the instruments so Daddy went along. They had a good time, though it was loud and N was a little overwhelmed.
After SS, M went to rehearsal, and after nap N and A and I went to Rock Creek Park. They rode their scooters and I walked Lucky. It was a nice way to spend the last daylight hour of the weekend.
Another week ahead… the girls are out of school at noon on Friday and have a field trip to Air & Space on Wednesday. Otherwise it's just a typical week.
Lots of pics to share:
WHF Gala: