Pumpkin Whoopie Pies x 48

This is going to be another short post, because I spent many many hours tonight making Pumpkin Whoopie Pies. They are for a cookie swap at work tomorrow and M's class party on Thursday, where she is supposed to bring in a favorite family recipe. We made these Pumpkin Whoopie Pies earlier this year for Grampy's birthday and we all loved them.

However – making 4 dozen whoopie pies is really making 8 dozen cookies, because they are sandwiches. That meant tripling the recipe. The batter was so thick that I had a hard time getting the hand mixer through it. And it also meant a trip to the grocery store at 8:15 tonight because I didn't have enough eggs, flour, or confectioner's sugar. Sigh. It is now 12:26 am and the cookies are finally loaded in the fridge downstairs.

Here are some pics:


A lot of filling:


A quick Hanukah report. Last night the girls got a magic kit (A), an Ansel Adams book (M) and 2 Nutcracker t-shirts. The night before they got juggling balls (M), an eye shadow kit (A) and the original Nutcracker story. They also got some gifts from Grandma Sandy: a fashion design kit and 2 ballerina necklaces. Tonight the girls got some shoes that don't fit (A), a whole bunch of leggings (both), and 2 books: Diary of a Wimpy Kid the new one, and a Wendy Mass book (M).

Off to bed.

1 comment

Sandra Schrut says:

No wonder I couldn’t borrow the cookie sheets!

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