Quick Wednesday Post

Long day today. A few quick things to report:

  • Grampy and Emmy stopped by tonight. Emmy is off to Prague tomorrow for a quarter abroad. She is very excited and will have a great time. The girls were very happy to see her, even if only for a little while.
  • M has changed the subject of her diorama from Ruby Bridges to Betsy Ross. I wish I could say that it was motivated by A's desire for her to switch, but it was because her teacher said that Ruby Bridges was too common a choice. Daddy bought lots of Peeps and we will tackle the project this weekend.
  • The girls are performing at The Washington Club on Friday for a fundraiser and at The National Building Museum on Sunday for the Cherry Blossom Festival. Lots of schlepping around, but we're psyched to see them perform on Sunday.
  • Good piano lessons from Grandma Sandy today.

Tomorrow will be a busy day for the girls -they have rehearsal after school and THEN ballet class. A will miss Notebusters – not enough time.

I am glad to close the door on today – it was a long and relatively stressful day for lots of reasons. Hopefully tomorrow will be easier!

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