
Some cute things the girls have done/said recently:

  • This morning I dropped the girls at school. M turned to me and gave me a hug, and said, "Think today about the cards we gave you and the great birthday you had yesterday."
  • M & A had to talk at school about "Who is a Hero"? M said Barack Obama is a hero because of the laws he has passed, and A said I was a hero because I "saved Allie". I asked her if that referred to my adopting Allie when she was 1, and A said no, that she said that because I saved Allie from eating the challah off the table.


a says:

M and A are so adorable and have such good ideas and answers. How proud they must make mommy and daddy, and they make me proud too.
Aunt Ann

Len says:

Hope you didn’t challah at Allie… 🙂

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