Rainbow Loom Fever

We all went back to school and work today. The girls seemed to have had a good day. A met her other teacher – the one who will teach her reading and social studies (I think) – and she said he is very nice. She also said that he thinks he's cool, but he isn't (but in a good way). For homework she had to come up with "ten vivid words". Some of the ones she came up up: shrieking, fluffy, booming, flashing, scratchy. M had some social studies homework (a sheet about the U.S.) and both girls had math homework having to do with placement (which number is in the tens place, the thousandes place, etc.).

Poor little N. When I got home I thought he felt warm – sure enough he has a temperature of 102.5. Poor pup. Not sure what is going on – he seems fine otherwise. We gave him some Motrin and hopefully he will have a good sleep.

Have I mentioned the girls' obsession with Rainbow Loom? They make a lot of rubber brand bracelets with it – they are all the rage right now. They learned a hard "stitch" tonight – the fish tail – which produced some very pretty bracelets. These are from the internet:


Here are the two bracelets I've been wearing – M made the purple and white one and A made the green and blue one:


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