Rainy Saturday

It's early Sunday morning. I fell asleep before posting last night, so this will be Saturday's post. The girls were out the whole day today. We went to ballet in the morning. (I still have no idea what they do in ballet. Parents haven't been invited to watch a class yet. The girls get sent upstairs and reappear 45 minutes later – it's all a big mystery. Unfortunately, I don't get much information out of them.) After ballet, we had to make the weekly stop at Sullivan's Toy Store, where M routinely wears me down and cajoles me into buying them stuff. Of course, she usually asks for something constructive like a sticker book, which captures her attention for hours, so it's hard to say no. We also had to buy a birthday present for a friend of theirs.

Then it was off to 2 Amys, the most overrated restaurant in DC, to meet my old friend Georg for lunch with his wife Jeanine.

Then the girls went downtown with Daddy to help him move stuff from his old office to his new office. They were gone for many hours. When they returned, I had dinner on the table for them – grapes, cheese, fried snap peas, and chicken nuggets. Not a very imaginative dinner. A said, "This is my favorite dinner ever! I love everything on my plate!" I had made a more exciting dinner for us – applesauce chicken, brown rice and squash – but the girls were very excited about theirs, which was cute.

It was gloomy and rainy all day – yuck.

1 comment

a says:

I feel certain that the girls and their ballet class will surprise all parents with a ballet recital — some day. M and A had a very busy Saturday with all they did. Daddy must have had fun with the girls helping him move. It’s so cute.
Aunt Ann

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