Rainy Wednesday

Poor girls – tennis wasn't canceled today and they had to play in the rain. Imogene said they were very wet when they got home. A has been running a cold – I hope that didn't make it worse!

I am attempting to make these "slumber party" cupcakes for the girls' birthday:


They are from the Hello Cupcake cookbook, which we borrowed from Andrea and Emily.

Am I nuts? I ordered all the accoutrements tonight – marshmallows, vanilla wafers, candy, food coloring, cake mix, frosting, etc. I don't think mine will look anything like the ones in the book.

I told the girls tonight that I want to take them shopping on Saturday for sandals and sundresses. A carried on like I had told her I wanted to take them to the dentist or – worse – the furniture store. That put me in a bad mood.

Daddy is on Day 2 of his trip.

These are long days and I am very sleepy by 11 PM. Signing off now.

1 comment

a says:

It’s hard to believe that M and A will be six soon. The cupcakes are adorable. I’m sure they will be a big hit. Mommy, take care of yourself and get more rest. It’s raining in the Northwest too.
Aunt Ann

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