Random Observations

Things that have happened around here:

  • A has resurrected Lemon the Cat. She is very good at imitating a cat.
  • M scored 97% on her standardized math test. She got one problem wrong, and tied the smartest kid in the class.
  • Both girls had playdates after school today – M with Ali and A with Katie.
  • The little boy screamed bloody murder when I tried to put him in the bath today. Why? Because there was some of that black slimy stuff that accumulates in bath toys. He FREAKED OUT. Wouldn't go in. Even after I cleaned it all out and there was no dirt left. This was after he peed on the floor of his bedroom and had a huge poop and the wipes got clogged and wouldn't come out of the container. Good times.
  • My annoyance with Downton Abbey continues, but the Jimmy Fallon/Bruce Springsteen Christie Bridgegate video gets top ratings from me.
  • Little boy had the cutest outfit ever on today. I wish I had taken a photo – SO cute. Light blue plaid shirt and jeans.

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