Random Wednesday Musings

Today when the girls got to school, they had to write their names in one of two columns – the first if they live in Washington DC and the second if they live in Maryland. They knew exactly what to do.

Both girls are making great progress on the piano. M likes to sight read and A likes to play by ear.

I asked M tonight if she wanted to practice her tongue exercises, and she said, "Not right now, maybe later." I need to be more diligent about getting her to do them.

Imogene told the girls that next year, they can't be late for school. They decided to start being on time tomorrow morning and have already laid out their outfits.

I swear, they get cuter each day.


Buppie says:

How is it possible to “get cuter”? They are the most already.

a says:

M and A are wonderful. They listen and try to really do the “right” thing. They will be the jewels in their new kindergarten class.
Aunt Ann

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