Recent Art From The Girls

It has been a busy few days at our house. We had the party for Daddy's staff last night – almost 70 people in our house remembering Holbrooke. And today was the memorial service at the Kennedy Center. It was a beautiful service, full of speeches by smart, funny, important people (Bill/Hill/Obama and many of Holbrooke's friends). Grandma Dina came down for the service today and will be here until tomorrow morning.

The girls didn't have school today. They stayed home in their PJs most of the day, and did crafts, read books, did their nails, and made some paper money (? I think?). Tonight they were all about exercise, thinking that it will help bulk them up and gain a few pounds.

Here is the page of the Lafayette Calendar for May, which contains a poem by M:

Jan art 

Here are some recent pics by A: flowers, and a person on a trapeze:

Jan art8 

Jan art7 

A row of flowers, by M:

Jan art6 

Some dogs that A made with her friend Emily (she showed me the way to make them – note the person at the middle of the nose):

Jan art5 

A girl by A:

Jan art4 

1 comment

a says:

I enjoyed all the wonderful art by M and A. They have so many talents. I’m sure the Holbrooke memorial at your house was something to remember. He was a fine human being and did a lot for our country.
Aunt Ann

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