Recent Photos – Book Fest and Cupcakes


Tonight when I got home from work., we had a lot of fun. First, the girls built a campfire in the entryway using some light up globes they have. They piled up blankets as logs and put brown construction paper around it, as kindling. Very creative.

We did homework and played a few games of Sleeping Queens and A's derivative of it, called "Guess the Queen".

They were very hyper going to bed, and A said that it was the most fun night of her life.

M was the Star Performer in music today – she played two songs on the piano – and A had a field trip to Politics and Prose.

Here are some photos from the last few days –

The girls with Super Why! characters at the Book Festival:

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And the various steps to make the sunflower cucpakes.

First we made leaves out of fruit roll ups rolled in sugar.

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Then we made the cupcakes in green liners.

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Then we made green frosting. 

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Then we added the Oreos. 

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Then we made the orange and yellow frosting.

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Then we made the orange and yellow petals on the flowers. 

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Ladybugs, made from red M&Ms and black frosting.

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THe final product.

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1 comment

a says:

Thank you for the beautiful photos. The cupcakes are so creative and unique. I’m sure everyone loved them. The Mother-Daughter Book Fest is such a wonderful idea. The pictures of M and A are lovely. Thank you again.
Aunt Ann

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