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This is always a very crazy time of year for us – pre-Thanksgiving, runup to Nutcracker. The girls have a rehearsal tomorrow evening at THEARC, which means that A is misisng her Notebusters concert (which I am VERY sad about). Their first performance is on Saturday.

Tonight we started working on the November book reports – letters to the author of fantasy books. M is doing Half Magic and A is doing a book about Greek myths. Amy and Griffin are here tonight and the girls have been very interested in what Griffin is up to. After homework tonight we watched The Amazing Race, which Griffin had never seen. Here is how tall Griffin is -I tried on one of his shoes tonight and it totally fit me.

I am waaay behind on uploading pics. Here are a few:

Griffin and the girls taken on Amy's iPad:


Feet martians:


National Gallery:




Lunch Daddy made for the girls:



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