Recital Day and a New Cousin (Almost!)

Exciting news! Aunt Darrah is at the hospital, and her baby will be born sometime tonight! Stay tuned…

The girls' recital went very well today. They were sooooo cute. I videotaped it and will upload this weekend.

Today A said, "This was the best day of school ever!" I asked why? She said, "We got to go to ice cream after school with Mommy, and I played the piano, and it was Library Day so I got to take out a new book."

The girls ran into their music teacher while we were at the ice cream store, and she said that M& A were the best piano players around. Ian – the boy in their class I am always writing about – said that the piano playing "was so beautiful that he felt like he was going to cry." Then he gave A a hug. Another classmate told A that their playing was "awesome!".

The girls are very proud of their playing, as well they should be!


Sandra Schrut says:

Studying music is two-fold: It brings brings pleasure to both the performer and to the audience. Continue to remind the girls of this.
Grandma Sandy, the piano teacher

a says:

Please tell M and A how very proud I am of them and their piano playing. I’m sure Grandma Sandy is most proud. Give M and A a BIG hug and kiss from me.
Aunt Ann

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