Recorder Concert

Today was the girls' 3rd Grade Recorder Concert. The whole grade got on the stage and played a number of songs. Everyone wore white on top and black on the bottom. A has gotten her "black belt extreme" in recorder an she got to stand in the front with the other black belts. She also got to play a few extra songs that the non-black belts didn't play.

Here was the set list:

Hot Cross Buns

A sleepy lullaby song

When the Saints Go Marching In

Old McDonald

Amazing Grace (black belt only)

Ode to Joy (black belt only)

Jingle Bells (black belt only)

I may have missed one or two – the girls will fill me in tomorrow and I will update the post. I also videotaped it on my iPhone and will upload the videos this weekend.

Imogene and Nathaniel also came to the concert. He seemed to enjoy it just fine – he wasn't smiling a ton but he wasn't fussing either. N isn't sleeping AT ALL during the day – maybe 45 minutes total. Not sure why. He is very sleepy by evening (and slept about 13 hours last night), but the no napping thing can't be good for a 6 month-old baby.

Hoping to start solid foods beyond cereal this week! We see the pediatrician on Monday AM.

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