
Here's something sad. N has always loved his bath. Other than the fact that he would only sit in the bath ring (which he has totally outgrown), baths were am easy experience and he loved being in there. Over the Thanksgiving long weekend, he took a bath with his cousins, and ever since there he has refused to get in. I don't know if there is a connection, but now he screams the whole time he's in, and he won't sit down. It's so sad! I really hope this is a short phase.

He does love his Elmo, though, which is sooo cute. Now he asks for Elmo every night before bed. It sounds like this: "MO-Mo", which kind also of sounds like Mommy but isn't.

The girls had a rehearsal this afternoon at the Warner. Parents were allowed to watch, which was so much fun. I got to see them march, over and over, and also saw the mice, transition to battle, and snow scenes. Lots of Jared Nelson, and lots of my favorite, Zachary Hackstock. At one point Septime told the soldiers they were marching totally off beat, but the girls were doing well. And their soldiers choreographer, Ms. Sherry, told me after rehearsal that the girls were great – they always paid attention and practiced and tried their best. I told her that they pracice at home all the time.

Tomorrow is the first show!! And a dress rehearsal in the afternoon. They will hardly be at school at all. Can't wait for opening night!

1 comment

Christina says:

Same thing happened to Ella. Bath was a horrible experience, she hated it. I was ready to go in with her to maybe help but we tried introduced new bath toys (foam Munchkin letters) and she started loving it again. Now I can’t get her out…she loooves the tub again.

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