Report Card Friday

The girls came home today with wonderful report cards. We are so proud of them. Not only did they get 4's (the top) in every subject (except art – what the hell?), but they got very glowing comments from their teachers. And they both did extremely well in the end of the year standardized testing from second grade – in fact, A got two perfect scores! They are doing very well in 3rd grade and we are so proud of them.

They also had their first onstage rehearsal tonight, at THEARC. They had to be there from 8-9, which on a Friday night is definitely a bit of a haul. But we made it there with 30 minutes to spare and were home by 9:45. They love rehearsal and are always cranky afterwards, when they are letdown and tired and hungry. That part isn't so fun, especially if you are the designated chauffeur/entertainment (iphone) provider/snack packer/sherpa).

I am SO happy that the weekend is here and I can hang with the girls and N. I have lots of pics to upload, which I will do over the weekend.

Tonight we watched a Whitney Houston tribute show when we got home, which has some of the songs that A has been singing in Notebusters this year.

Off to take Lucky for his late night walk, pump, and go to bed!

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