Report Cards

I mentioned that the girls got great report cards yesterday.

M's teacher wrote:

"M, you are one of my favorite students! I can always depend on you to go beyond what is expected, and for that I am very grateful! We wil look at your benchmark test byt you slipped a bit on some multiple choice questions… just a few so make sure you always go back to your text and cover everything! You are definitely one of my Mad Minute wizards, and this wil benefit you over time. Thank you for your fun stories! I always look forward to seeing you in the morning!"

As far as "grades", M got all 4s on her last report card (4 meaning "exceeds the standard") except for P.E., and this time she got all 4s again INCLUDING in P.E. She has only been marked late twice all grading period. (Ha!)

A's report card was equally wonderful. Here is the comment she got:

"A always exhibits a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom and uses instincts to deal with matters independently and in a positive way. She is motivated and always gives her best effort. She displays good citizenship by assisting other students and seeks responsibillities and follows through. A should continue to practice her recall of basic math facts, as well as addition and subtraction with regrouping. She should also continue to practice telling time with an analog clock and practice counting money and making change. And, of course, A should continue to read 'just right' books – those that are of high interest to her and ones she can read and understand easily but with a few challenges!"

And this is the best part – she went from 3 to 4 in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and P.E.! Unsurprisingly, she was already a 4 in Music! We are so proud of her for those wonderful grades.

The girls had a great time at the ballet with Grandma Sandy last night. They made it through the whole thing, no squirming or fussing. We made it home before they did! Thanks to Grandma Sandy for taking them to the ballet!


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