Report Cards and Ballet Evaluations

I thought I'd share what the girls' teachers wrote on their end-of-year report cards and ballet evaluations.

A: 4th grade (Ms. Shapiro) – all 4s

I have completely enjoyed having A in my class this year! It's been really nice getting to know her and she's been a pleasure to teach. Two of the first words that I think of to describle her are sweet and responsible. A cares about others, which makes her a good friend. I will miss having her around next year. Have a fantastic summer!

(Mr. Catapano) – A has grown extremely well in my class! She should continue to work just as hard next year as this year. Congratulations on a fantastic year in fourth grade!

A: Ballet (Ms Howard)

A did an excellent job this year. She has come a long way and she is more than ready to move forward in the coming year. A's splits look great, her feet have improved immensely and her joy of dance is an inspiration to her classmates. Next year I would like her to focus holding her turnout more on demi pointe as it will become important in the coming year, utilize her flexibility in her extensions more and avoid forcing her turnout as it is already excellent. Keep up the good work!

M: 4th grade (Ms. Culver) – all 4s

I have enjoyed getting to know M. Throughout the school year she consistently had a warm smile, kind heart for others, and stellar academic performance. She is impressive. Over the summer, M should continue to work on Sumdog, iready, and keep a journal. I truly appreciated your kindness and support. Have a wonderful summer together.

M: Ballet (Ms. Howard)

M did an excellent job this year. Her turnout and posture have greatly improved as has her extensions. Madeleine’s leg lines and footwork have also come a long way and I look forward to seeing her continue to develop as a young lady and dancer in the coming years. Next year I hope that M will not forget to hold her posture and turnout muscles and continue putting all her heart into each class. Congratulations M. Enjoy pointe and level 3. You truly deserve it.




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