Report from Camp

Today Dad and I got to talk to N’s counselor Jason. He said that N is settling in well. He has been on a river trip the last two days and is coming home tonight. Apparently N was hesitant to go, but his friends David and Jack signed up and really wanted him to go, so he went. We also learned today that the weather was rainy at the beginning of the trip but that it cleared up and is nicer today. That is a good thing – hopefully he will be willing to try more trips if this one wasn’t miserable! We also learned that there is now a Hammock Nation (or something like that) outside his cabin and all the hammocks are hung up there. Thank you again to Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron for the hammock birthday present!

We are just glad to hear that he is settling in well, that he likes his cabin, that he has someone at camp to talk to about the Nats, and that he’s been going to Athletics a lot. It all sounds like a good start to camp.

Hopefully some letters will arrive from N this week! We’ve been sending him a lot of letters. He told me to to send him any baseball jibbitz (sp?) but I did. They should be arriving soon.

M had a jampacked weekend of social plans, as usual, including a ballet at the KC and Smithsonian Solstice last night. A has been playing the “organ” on her keyboard and mastering all kinds of baseball stadium melodies. Perhaps a side hustle down the road…???

I’ll share letters once we get them…