Report From the Dentist

A had a dentist appointment this morning – it was rescheduled from the appointment a few weeks ago when M went because A had been sick that morning. 6 months ago, we took her in for a checkup, and the dentist took an x-ray of A's mouth. She saw a strange shadow on the root of one of her front teeth. At the time, she said there were 3 possible explanations: 1) there is an extra tooth up there; 2) the root is misshapen, which would cause all sorts of problems in getting the tooth into alignment; or 3) A moved when the x-ray was taken, causing a shadow.

So we've been wondering for 6 months what the answer was. Today, before she took the x-ray, the dentist took a look at A's mouth and was very concerned. The permanent incisor that has come in next to the front tooth in question is very large – larger than that tooth usually is. The concern was that the tooth that had come in was in fact the front tooth, NOT the permanent incisor, and was totally in the wrong spot. I could see that the dentist was pretty concerned before she sent A back for the x-ray.


All is fine! The x-ray came out totally normal. That IS an incisor, and A's front tooth (which is loose but still in) does not have a shadow anymore. Phew. We dodged a major bullet. I can't even imagine the expen$e and ha$$le and pain that fixing the problem would have cost.

Plus A had no cavities, so she was happy. She missed about 2 hours of school, but made it for the end of art class.

Daddy left early this morning for London for a few days – home on Friday.

Hoping for an easy night tonight. I took an allergy pill last night so that I could get some sleep and not be woken up by the itching all night. It helped some except that I was very groggy this morning.

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