Report Cards

Today I stayed at camp after I dropped off the girls, and went to the daily "sing". It was very cute. The whole camp sang a few songs – Purple People Eater, Mr. Golden Sun, and some others. It's a really cute camp and they seem to be having a great time,

I mentioned that the girls got their report cards. They are very lengthy, with grids and ratings and keys. I won't repeat it all here, except for the teacher comments for the fourth grading period.

A: A has shown a lot of growth through the year. She has built a lot more confidence in her reading and writing skills and has become quite independent in her journaling and reading activities. I have also seen her become more more comfortable in her math skills. Keep up the great work.

M: M has really grown throughout this year. She has really excelled with her reading and especially her writing. She has also developed great math skills and has a lot of confidence in those areas. I love and will miss her excitement and exuberance about everything she does!

1 comment

a says:

Mom and Dad you have been blessed with two beautiful, intelligent and lovely girls. I know how proud of them you are. Please tell M and A that Aunt Ann is very proud of them too.
Aunt Ann

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