Reports on M & A

I haven't uploaded the pictures yet of the girls with the blankets stuffed into their PJs, but I will soon. (Sorry Aunt Ann!) A stuffed so many blankets into the PJs tonight that the zipper broke. 🙁

Here are summaries of our parent-teacher conferences:

M: M is doing great. She is really taking off with her writing. She does her journaling independently, goes full on, and isn't hesitant. She is not afraid to be wrong. She is also very confident with her reading. She loves to read to a partner and to read to Mrs. Haigler.  She picks up things that aren't familiar. She is understated and not pushy or aggressive. She plays a big sister role with A in the classroom, and likes to hang out with the other girls. She is also doing very well with math. Compared to A, she is the more linear thinker.

A: A is doing great too – she is right where she should be. She has good focus and stays right on task. She creates wonderfully detailed drawings. She has very neat handwriting. She is a little more hesitant with her writing, as she always wants to be perfect. She is getting more comfortable with her math skills, and is writing more and more. She participates well and often has her hand up. Her numbers and letters are sometimes backwards, which isn't unusual for this age. She sometimes mimics what others have done or said in whole group activities. On the playground, she is extroverted and a leader.

Great reports for the girls! We also got some of the tests that the girls did a few weeks ago. So cute.

1 comment

a says:

How very proud mommy and daddy must be of M and A who are outstanding students, exceptional sisters and loving daughters.
Count your blessings.
Aunt Ann

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